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Some Articles:
- [*] Islam in a Nutshell- Introduction to Islam
- The Meaning of Islam
- The True Religion -by Abu Aminah Bilal Phillips
- Islam at a Glance
- The Message of Islam
- The 99 attributes of Allah
- 70 Major Sins- al-Kaba'ir
- Muhammad(pbuh)'s Last Sermon
quran & hadith...
- Amazing Quran- by Gary Miller
- Way to the Quran by Khurram Murad
- AL-QUR`AN, The Miracle of Miracles - Deedat
- Who Wrote the Holy Quran ?
- Quran: A teacher to Modern Scientists
- Intro to a Quran
- Most Frequently Found Quranic Words & their Meanings Archive new!
- * 25 Duas from the Holy Quran *
- True love of the Prophet SAW
- Some Hadith (Traditions) of Islam
dimensions of belief...
- Concept of God
- Definitions of Islamic Monotheism (Tauhid)
- Belief in the Prophet (saw)
- Belief in the Angels
- Belief in the Final Day
- Khutbah on Taqwa
- Polytheism & Disbelief
- Tree of Iman
- Notes on Hikmah
- Notes on Sabr
- Notes on Shukr
- Summary of the Lessons, Rewards and Benefits of Prayer
- Prayer : It's significance and it's benefit
- Has the prayer lost its power? Mawdudi
- A reminder on The Fourth Major Sin
- Why are we not able to wake up for Fajr? (and some helpful tips)
- Go back and pray, for you have not prayed!
- Value Of Two Raka'At Salaah
- Some Adhkaar (supplications) for Morning &
Evening Word Document
hajj & special occasions...
- * Road to Makkah | Hajj Page NEW !
- * Ramadan & Other Islamic Holidays
- Ramadan and Fireflies
- Significance and Sunnah's of Eid
- Virtues of the Day of Arafat
- 13 Blessed Days of Dhul Hijjah
- The Hajj - A journey of a Lifetime
- Read about one brothers beautiful and emotional journey to Hajj last year (includes pictures of the great fire)
- The Kaaba
- Lailatul Qadr- the Night of Power
- How the Salaf observed Ramadan
- The Virtues of Muharram and Fasting the Day of Ashura
- Muslim's Survival Guide to Christmas
to be a better muslim...
- Letter to a Muslim Student Going to Study
in the West -by Hassan al Banna
- Ten Things Every Muslim Must Do
- A message to parents...
- What every Muslim should believe by necessity
- How to Lower our Gaze
- Benefits of Becoming Muslim
- Signs of weak imaan, and ways to increase imaan
- Tricks of the Shaytan and 10 Sicknesses of the Heart
- Promises, Promises...
- Ten things we waste
- A Reminder...
- Repentance
- Five Steps to Effective Dawah
- How to not make Dawah-2 ie
- Charity- the Upper Hand
read a book...
- Top 10 Books Every Muslim Should Read
- Islamic Books reviewed by Muslims!
- List of Islamic booksellers, publishers and software developers
purify yourself...
- Purification of the Soul- Sincerity
- Purification of the Soul- The Nature of Intention
- Purification of the Soul- Types of Heart
- Purification of the Soul- Symptoms of the Heart's Sickness & Signs of Health
- Purification of the Soul- Poisons of the Heart
the struggle continues...
- Our du'as & Allah subhana wa ta'ala
- D U A'
- Duas for Studying
- Count yourselves before you are counted
- Struggle, Pain, and Happiness/Patience
- Behind Bars: Islam Inside and Outside Prison
- Enduring Hardship - A Khutbah
- Portrait of a Traveler
- An analysis of Misfortune and Hardship
- On Affliction
life, death and the Real Life...
- The Soul's Journey After Death
- The Physics of the Day of Judgement
- A Scientist's Interpretation of References to Embryology in the Qur'an
- Death and Dying: An Islamic View
- An Angel
- An Islamic Will from ISNA in PDF for download/printing
- The Islamic Lawful Will and burial issues
people & places...
- Precolumbian Muslims in the Americas
- Muslim Native Americans
- Biography of Hassan al Banna
- The Ten Principles of Hassan al-Banna
- The Seven Under the Shade of Allah (SWT)
- My mother, my best friend
- Brief Biographies of the eminent Scholars of Hadeeth
- Who was Ibn Taymiyyah ?
- Advice from Abu Dharr Al-Ghafari
- Some Advice from Umar (ra)
- Once upon a time in Andalusia
- The Importance of Masjid al Aqsa to Muslims
- Ticket for the Great Journey
- Al-Madinah Al Munawwarah
- Makkah the Blessed
- Al Taif
thoughts & ideas of today...
- Muslims on the Internet: the Good, the Bad... the
- Muslim Schools: A View From The Inside
- Good article on Islam in America by Yahiya Emerick
- Muslim College Life: Dating, Drinking and Deen
- A new generation of revolutionaries...
- Western Education vs. Muslim Children
- Kosova & Kashmir: Muslims Must Share the Blame
- Based on a true story
- Selective Islam by Imran Khan
- Thoughts During a Lecture
- The Future of Islam-Abdullah Hakim Quick
- Hamza Yusuf on TV, Truth, and Technomania
- The Media and Islam
- The Space Age and the Future of Islam
- The Call of the Creator of Earth and
- True Love by Khadija Lin
- The Question of Good Bidah
some of the (rare) better media coverage...
- LA Times: New Islamic Movement Seeks Latino Converts
- USA Today: Employers adjust to Muslim customs: Ignorance, not prejudice cited in cases
- Hajj 99
- Newsweek: article on the next generation of Muslims in the U.S.
- ABC News: Islam Bursting on American Scene
- NY Times: Muslims Schools in U.S, A voice for identity
- U.S. News: The Muslim Mainstream
- American Muslims find strength, comfort in unity at conference
united we stand...
- Unity Among Western Muslim Communities by Ja'far Idris
- Differences of opinion: A cause of
- The Ummah is a Stalled Car
- Some Ethics of Disagreement in Islam
- Resisting the Urge to Compromise
dealing with the outside...
- Triangle Model of Youth Planning
- 10 Tips for Successful Public Speaking
- What leads to leaving the fold of Islam-Ali Tamimi
- If you are visited by the FBI - How to protect your rights
- A Guide to Missionary Tactics
- The Christian Missionary's questions for the Muslim
some q and a...
- Questions and Answers on Islam and Muslims
- Answer to a Q. on what to do after things went too far in a dorm room
poems & short stories...
- Some (alot of) Islamic Poems!
- Some poems about Bosnia
- Imam Ghazali's Last Words
- Life's Index Cards
- Road to Mecca - Muhammad Asad - not so short, but a nice excerpt from the beautiful story of Muhammad Asad's journey to Islam
- Destination Jannah: Are you ready?
- The Traveler
- Islam's Brave New World
- And So I Bow...
- Stop, I'm Muslim!
- A Twist of Faith
- Lost of the Desert Sand
- Funny how...
- Muslim Contributions to Science, Philosophy and
the Arts
- Distribution of Muslims in the U.S. and Beyond
- Ibn Taymeeya's Essay on the Jinn