are the conditions set by a seller or a buyer when concluding a trade
transaction. Accordingly, it has become a necessity to study and tackle
the different kinds of such conditions, pointing out the legal and the
illegal ones among them. The scholars of Islamic Jurisprudence,
defined a condition (of a trade transaction) as follows: "It is obligating one of the two parties (of the sale) by the other for the benefit of the latter." According to them,
a transactional condition is invalid unless it is made at the time of
the transaction and embedded in the transactional contract. In other
words, a condition is invalid if made before or after concluding the
In general, the conditions in trade transactions are divided into valid conditions and invalid ones.
First: Valid Conditions
conditions are those that do not contradict the objective of the
contract. Such a kind of condition obligates its fulfillment; the
said: "Muslims must keep to the conditions they make." [Abu Daawood & At-Tirmithi]
conditions obligate fulfillment also because all conditions in trade
transactions are originally legal except for those invalidated and
prohibited by the Lawgiver (Allaah Almighty). The valid conditions are
of two kinds:
1- The
first kind of valid conditions of trade transactions is that which
ensures and consolidates the contract, and benefits the one who sets
such conditions. Examples of such valid conditions are those made by the
seller such as stipulating taking a security deposit or stipulating
surety; this surely makes the seller free from worry. There are similar
valid conditions in favor of the buyer, such as stipulating delaying the
payment or part of it for a specified term, i.e. to pay it at a
specific date. So long as the buyer is committed to this condition the
sale is valid. A buyer may set a condition concerning a specification of
the commodity, such as requiring a special brand or product, as people
have different preferences. In such a case, the sale is legally valid as
long as the commodity meets this condition; otherwise, the buyer has
the right to cancel the contract or at least get a compensation for the
missing stipulated quality. This compensation is estimated by comparing
the value of the commodity meeting the required condition and the one
lacking it, and then the difference between the two values can be paid
to the buyer if he asks for that.
2- The
second kind of valid transactional conditions is that in which one of
the two parties stipulates benefiting lawfully from the commodity in a
certain way. For example, a seller of a house may stipulate staying
therein for a specific period, or a seller of a riding animal or a car
may stipulate riding it to a certain place. Jabir
narrated: "The Prophet
sold a camel and stipulated to ride it (and use it) until he reaches Madeenah." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Hadeeth states the permissibility of selling an animal and stipulating
riding it to a certain place; the same goes for similar transactional
cases. Another example is when the buyer stipulates a specific work to
be done to the commodity, such as buying firewood stipulating that the
seller should deliver it, or buying cloth making a condition that the
seller should stitch it.
Second: Invalid Conditions
There are two kinds of invalid conditions:
1- The
first kind is the invalid illegal condition that basically nullifies
the selling contract, such as when one of the two parties stipulates
another contract within the main one. For example, it is an illegal
condition when a seller of a commodity makes a condition that the buyer
must make him his partner in business, lend him a sum of money, or allow
him to share his house, etc., or that he says, "I sell you this
commodity on the condition that you rent me your home." Such a condition
is legally invalid so it nullifies the original contract. This is
because the Prophet
forbade concluding a selling contract based on another conditional contract. (At-Tirmithi & An-Nasaa'i) This Prophetic prohibition was interpreted by Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
exactly as we have pointed out above.
2- The
second type of invalid transactional conditions is the one which itself
is null and void, yet it does not nullify the contract. For example, a
buyer of a commodity may make a condition that he will give it back if
he undergoes loss, or a seller of a commodity may make a condition that
the buyer must not resell it. Such a type of conditions is legally
invalid as it violates the principle of a business contract that
absolutely allows the buyer to use the (purchased) commodity in whatever
manner he likes. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayi wa sallam, said: "If
anyone imposes a condition which is not in the Book of Allaah, then
that condition is invalid even if he imposes one hundred conditions." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
The phrase "in the Book of Allaah"
in the aforementioned Hadeeth refers to Sharee'ah (Islamic Law)
including the Quran and the Sunnah. Still, such an invalid type of
conditions does not nullify the contract. To illustrate, in the
well-known incident of Bareerah, the one who sold her made a condition
that her wala (The freed slave's loyalty by virtue of emancipation) would go to him if she was emancipated. However, the Prophet
declared that the condition was null, yet he
did not consider the contract to be invalid. Then, the Prophet
said: "Verily, the Wala' is for the emancipator." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
Muslim involved in businesses, purchasing and selling, should learn the
legal rulings on trade transactions as well as the valid and invalid
conditions of any business deal to be aware of the legal situations in
such dealings. Thus, Muslims can find legal solutions to their
controversies resulting from trade transactions, most of which result
from the ignorance of the seller, the buyer, or both, of such rulings,
as well as the invalid conditions they set in transactions.

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