Islam came to complete the previous Divine religions and faith on earth. In fact, the Prophet
completed the missions of the previous Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention. Allaah’s Messenger
said: “My
example, and the example of the prophets, who preceded me, is like that
of a person who built a beautiful house. The house was perfect,
magnificent and great except for a place of a single brick (in one
corner). People, who visited (or saw) that house admired it but always
wondered, why did not the owner complete that missing single brick?’ I
am that (missing) brick. I am the final Prophet (for mankind on the
earth).” [Al-Bukhaari, Hadeeth No.3341 and at-Tirmithi, Hadeeth No.2862]
diligently acts to provide the basic needs of man on earth, like the
previous Divine religions and works hard to secure his rights.
Let us read together the following verse of the Glorious Quran (which means): “Fight in the cause of Allaah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allaah loves not transgressors.” [Quran 2:190]
the Exalted and Sublime, has made Jihaad (fighting and struggling for
His cause), a rewardable act that Muslims believe in and practice. In
fact, Jihaad is looked upon as the “hump” of the camel, the highest most
important point on the body of the camel, and a Muslim should regard it
similarly. Struggle for the sole cause of Allaah Almighty must be
cherished by the sincere believing Muslims in this life. It should be
treated with reverence and taken seriously, with a mature understanding
of its objectives. Jihaad is not an innovation in Islam. In fact, Jihaad
is an accepted, well-established, and known practice in the previous
faiths and nations as well.
was established earlier, Allaah knows best, because of the fact that
there have been conflicts and differences among people all over the
earth. Moreover, good and evil have always co-existed in societies all
over the world throughout history. Therefore, Jihaad was founded and
defined in order to stop tyranny and remove tyrant rulers, who deviate
from Allaah’s Path and the code of life that He laid down for man to
follow. Jihaad is also laid down, Allaah knows best, in order to stop
people from worshipping other people and false deities, and introduces
them to the reality of the worship of Allaah alone, Who has no son,
partners or associates.
is also laid down for man on earth to remove all injustices committed
by man and introduce the world to the mercy, justice, peace and
tranquility of Islam as a way of life. Moreover, Jihaad is laid down, in
principle, to protect the call to Islam and help spreading it all over
the world. It is for the interest of humankind on earth and not for the
interest of Arabs or Muslims, as Islam has no geographic borders.
final word underlying Jihaad is for the people to either accept or
reject Islam as a way of life. Islam has a message for the entire
humanity. Islam has the most comprehensive code of morals and ethics for
people in every walk of life. Islam laid down the principles of
justice, fairness, equality, freedom, prosperity, success and
truthfulness for man on earth. Jihaad has not been laid down to force
people against their will to join Islam; rather it is a tool and
mechanism to help spread the religion of monotheism, justice and
equality to the entire world. After the various peoples receive the
message, it is up to them to accept Islam as a way of life or choose
any event, the essential purpose of Jihaad is to carry the Message of
Islam to people and introduce it to them. Almighty Allaah states in the
Glorious Quran (what means): “Let there
be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever
rejects Evil and believes in Allaah has grasped the most trustworthy
hand-hold, that never breaks. And, Allaah hears and knows all things.” [Quran 2: 256]
directive principle cementing relationships between government and
people is based on peace. Yet, Allaah Almighty laid down the foundations
of Jihaad in Islam for a special reason and purpose. There is a major
difference between the terms “Jihaad” and “War”. Jihaad, as interpreted and understood in Islam, is not a “Holy War”
as described in the Western media; rather, it is an honorable
‘struggle’ against the enemies of Allaah Almighty who reject His Word
and faith in Him and His religion of Islam. “War” on the other
hand, is a drive for personal interests and ownership of lands, natural
resources for political or economic reasons. Islam ordered for Jihaad in
the three situations as follows:
1- Defense of life, property and national boundaries
This concept is based on the verse of the Glorious Quran (which means): “Fight in the cause of Allaah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allaah loves not transgressors.” [Quran 2: 190]
Removing oppression and preserving the just rights of the oppressed
people. This concept is based on the verse of the Glorious Quran, (which
means): “And why should you not fight
in the cause of Allaah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated
people (and oppressed)? Men, women, and children, whose cry is: ‘Our
Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise
for us from You one who will protect; and raise for us from You one who
will help!’”[Quran 4:75]
3-Defence of Faith and Religion
fighter must purify his intention to please Allaah Almighty alone and
he must have a sound understanding that he is not participating in this
Jihaad for any unfair reasons. The fighters must realize that they are
taking part in such a Jihaad in order to spread the Word of Allaah
Almighty. This concept is based on the verse of the Glorious Quran,
(which means): “And fight them on until
there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevails justice and
faith in Allaah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily
Allaah does see all that they do.” [Quran 8:39]
if the enemies of Islam cease their fire and resort to stop the war,
accepting to make peace with the Islamic Jihaad government, the Muslim
fighters must, as well, cease their fires and stop all Jihaad
activities. In fact, it becomes unlawful for Muslims to continue to
fight in Jihaad against the troops of the other side, if the confronted
party cease their fire and ask for peace. This concept is based on the
verse of the Glorious Quran, (which means): “Therefore
if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you
(guarantees of) peace, then Allaah has left no way for you (to war
against them).” [Quran 4:90]
all other types of wars that aim at land expansion, colonial interests
and revenge that result in wide-scale destruction, are totally
prohibited according to Islam. Although Islam permitted fighting against
enemies for necessary reasons, it has laid articulate rules of conduct
while waging wars against the enemies of Islam. Islam does not allow
fighters to kill anybody: it is permissible to attack only combatants
and supporting forces on the other side. Islam does not permit, accept
or condone the killing of elderly people, children, women, sick people
under medical treatment, medical staff workers and monks who have
secluded themselves for worship of Allaah Almighty.
prohibits killing a wounded man in a battle and forbids mutilating the
bodies and organs of the deceased enemy fighters. Islam also forbids the
killing of cattle or any type of animals of the enemies, destroying the
houses of innocent people, polluting the potable waters, rivers, lakes,
springs and wells of water of the fighting enemies. Moreover, Islam
prohibits chasing people who flee the battlefield. This concept is based
on a verse of the Glorious Quran (which means): “But
seek, with the (wealth) which Allaah has bestowed on you, the Home of
the Hereafter, nor forget your portion in this World: but do you good,
as Allaah has been good to you, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in
the land: for Allaah loves not those who do mischief.” [Quran 28:77]

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