is a term used in genetics to refer to a genetic event that causes
individuals or groups of a certain species to harbor different
characteristics from one another. For example, all the people on earth
carry basically the same genetic information, yet some have slanted
eyes, some have red hair, some have long noses, or some are short or
tall depending on the extent of the variation potential of this genetic
predict the variations within a species as evidence of the theory.
However, variation does not constitute evidence for evolution, because
variations are merely the outcomes of different combinations of the
already existing genetic information and they do not add any new
characteristic to the genetic information.
always takes place within the limits of genetic information. In the
science of genetics, this limit is called the “gene pool”. All the
characteristics present in the gene pool of a species may come into view
in various ways due to variation. For example, as a result of variation
in a reptile species, there may appear varieties that have relatively
longer tails or shorter legs, since the information for both long and
short legs already exists in the gene pool. However, these variations do
not transform reptiles into birds by adding wings or feathers to them,
or by changing their metabolism. Such a change requires an increase in
the genetic information of the living thing, which is by no means
possible in variations.
was not aware of this fact when he formulated his theory. He thought
that there was no limit to variations. In an article written in 1844 CE
he had stated: “That a limit to variation does exist in nature is
assumed by most authors, though I am unable to discover a single fact on
which this belief is grounded”. In The Origin of Species he cited different examples of variations as the most important evidence for his theory.
For instance, according to Darwin
animal breeders who mated different varieties of cattle in order to
bring about new varieties that produced more milk, were ultimately going
to transform them into a different species. Darwin’s notion of “unlimited variation” is best seen in the following sentence from The Origin of Species:
“I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural
selection, more and more aquatic in their habits, with larger and larger
mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.”
The reason Darwin cited such a far-fetched example was the primitive understanding of science in his day. Since then, in the 20th
century CE, Science has posited the principle of “genetic stability”
(genetic homeostasis) based on the result of experiments conducted on
living things. This principle holds that all mating attempts carried out
to produce new variations were inconclusive and that there are strict
barriers among different species of living things. This meant that it
was absolutely impossible for animal breeders to convert cattle into a
different species by mating different variations of them as Darwin had postulated.
Norman Macbeth, who disproved Darwinism in his book Darwin Retired,
states: “The heart of the problem is whether living things do indeed
vary to an unlimited extent…The species look stable. We have all heard
of disappointed breeders who carried their work to a certain point only
to see the animals or plants revert to where they had started. Despite
strenuous efforts for two or three centuries, it has never been possible
to produce a blue rose or a black tulip.”
Burbank, considered the most competent breeder of all time, expressed
this fact when he said that: “there are limits to the development
possible and these limits follow a law.” In addressing this subject the
Danish scientist W.L. Johannsen commented:
variations upon which Darwin and Wallace had placed their emphasis
cannot be selectively pushed beyond a certain point, that such
variability does not contain the secret of indefinite departure.”
is time that evolutionists were honest with themselves and realized
that Science has its limits; it can only be a means of understanding the
complex design underlying all Creation, it can never be a Creator
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