Allaah Almighty Says (what means): "And
the Prayer is a difficult matter except upon those who fear Allaah; who
are certain that they will meet their Lord, and that they will return
to Him."[Quran 2:45-46]
uniqueness of the Prayer lies in the fact that it is repeated not once a
year or a month nor a day, but indeed five times a day. It is the most
remarkable distinction of a believer's life. However, because of this
continuous and demanding nature of the Prayer, it may be a cause of
difficultly for some who lack its understanding and piety, or those who
are new to it.
approached with sincerity and patience, the Prayer can become the
greatest pleasure of our daily life: "the coolness of eyes," as a
Hadeeth put it. Here are ten things that can make the Prayer easy and
1. Know its worth
one does not know the merits and necessity of the Prayer, the immense
bounties that come with it, and the unspeakable spiritual pleasure and
bliss of the company of Allaah Almighty that is the reward of an
attentive Prayer, one is likely to be tired of it.
The Prayer separates the believer from the disbeliever. The Prophet
said in an authentic Hadeeth, "So whoever has left it (the salah) then he has committed an act of disbelief.”
that terrifying Day of Reckoning, the first thing a servant will be
asked about is the Prayer: if s/he is successful in it, the rest is
easy: If not, the rest is ruined as well.
2. Delaying the pleasure is the way to success
worth-mentioning achievement in this world, whether it is excellence at
work or at school, all-nighters in colleges or some other task, all
require a degree of self-control and curbing of immediate desires. In
fact, experts discover that, in general, the wisest of people even in
worldly transaction is one who can curb his desires and delay the
pleasure. Such a person is a successful businessman, a productive
scientist and an outstanding student. What, then, about the real test of
this life, the reward for which is nothing less then the Paradise of
your Lord?
Prayer requires this attitude of patience, curbing of desires and
delaying of pleasures. However, as one does it regularly, it also trains
the worshipper to curb desires and delay the pleasure in all other
aspects of life, thus making him or her a successful person in all
aspects of life, worldly or religious.
3. Fight laziness and procrastination
the Prayer in time is a trial. Indeed, the Hellfire is surrounded by
whims and desires, whereas Paradise is surrounded by adversity. Everyone
faces this difficulty proportional to the level of his or her faith.
The weaker the faith, the higher the difficulty. Accordingly, the Prayer
is hardest on the hypocrites.
determined to fight the laziness. As you win these fights, your faith
increases and performing the Prayer becomes easier. Allaah Almighty Says
in a Sacred Hadeeth: "Whoever comes to
me the distance of a hand span, I come closer to him an arms length..."
until He Almighty said, "If he comes to me walking, I come to him with a
quick pace (in a manner befitting His Majesty).”
4. Do not wait for the last minute
Rather, hasten to Prayer in the first hour, and it will become easier on you. The Prophet
warned against delaying the Prayer and indicated that this is the sign
of a hypocrite. Gradually, it becomes a habit to perform the Prayer
well and it hurts to not do it right.
5. Worship is nourishment for the soul
mentioned that Ibn Taymiyyah
used to wait after the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer remembering Allaah until the sun had risen. He used to say, "This is my nourishment", meaning the means of his sustenance. "Should I not consume it, then I would not have the strength to last through the day."
Similarly, it has been reported from a number of righteous Salaf
(predecessors) that they did not use to regret missing anything from the
matters of this life, like they would in missing such acts of worship.
if you were to wonder how you could reach that same level of
righteousness, your answer is: by faith and actions. Just wishing by
itself is not enough and just because one is able to reach the lower
level of worship does not necessitate that one will automatically be
able to reach the more advanced level. Indeed, all of this is dependent
on patience and hard work. Allaah Almighty Says (what means): “And
thus did we make them Imaams (leaders) guiding with our permission when
they had had patience and had certain faith in our signs." [Quran 32:24]

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